Warning. Violence/gore

I just woke up from this dream and I'm sick to my stomach and am on edge as if It was real life. I want to go back to bed but I'm scared I'll have to finish the dreams... here goes. Warning this is disturbing....I was in a home that wasnt mine, in a place Ive never been before. I was just relaxing when I hear what sounds like automatic assault weapons in the distance. My mother hears it too. I go to the window and see that I'm more than a couple stories up in the city. I see flashes from guns and a fire from an over turned car. The shots continue. After a second I realize we are under attack....military men were bombing and opening fire in the city. As I realize what's going on, a sniper shoots at me and misses. I get down and yell at my family to get down as well. They don't listen and one even goes in the window to look. I see a bright light hit them. ( I imagain it's from the snipers gun, looks like a flashlight). My first thought is to call my husband who I know to be at work. As I pull my phone out to call him, I hear a door slam open that's downstairs. My dad's side of the family is in the room across the hall looking out a large picture window. I couldnt yell to them. I knew it was too late. I scrambled in a closet making lots of noise trying to effectively hide. My mom joins me. The problem is no matter how much I shushed her, she kept talking. She wouldn't be quiet. They came into our house and I could hear them murder my dad's side of the family. I knew they would and they found us too..I played dead and it seemed to work at first. One man cut a chunk of hair from my head and then force fed me some type of white foam stuff from a syringe. The other guy did the same to mom. I couldn't see bc my glasses were gone...and I had a patch over my eye that signified that I had been shot. Again we heard the door slam open from below. The one military man who was with me hid us while another came in. He didnt want the next guy to know he had us. So I hid again. The new guy found me immediately...the original guy laughed and said, "Oh no..."It sounded sarcastic. He then said, "I'm so sorry" but yet he was sincere in the way he said it this time. The new guy grabbed my arm so hard it brought tears to my eyes. He pulled me out of the closet that I hid in and brought me to the room across the hall where the remains of my family lay. They were nothing but clumps of skin and blood. I wouldn't have know it was them If I had not known where they stood beforehand. I was informed they were raped then murdered as he slammed me to my knees to practice sniping. I tried to follow orders but I couldnt aim. They laughed at me shivering and crying. They didn't say but somehow I knew that in the end they were going to have my mother and I kill each other at the same time. I woke up at that point panting and quivering. I'm not sure I've ever had a dream that violent before.