9 weeks 3 days, symptoms just started 😩


Thought I was going to get through this pregnancy without any symptoms but they’ve all hit me at once it seems.

Super strong sense of smell. EVERYTHING stinks to me!!! I swore I smelled my neighbors’ dog food this morning from inside my apt. Can’t drink out of my boyfriends glass... My own water bottle smells like mildew to me now no matter how much I wash with hot water and soap so I’m not using it anymore. I walked into my bathroom today and the smell of mildew is killing me but it wasn’t there yesterday so I’m going to try washing every towel and rug in it and see what happens... 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

My breasts seemed to have grown overnight are super heavy and sore. 😭

I’m getting random cramps at night that hurt so much on my back (any one else getting these?)

Still blessed to only have slight nausea occasionally if go too long without eating a little something.