Okay experts! I need help again lol


Okay so! My order finally came in! Alva baby one size pocket diapers. They came with microfiber, but I ordered bamboo per your guys recommendation! So, my issue is i don't think I know what I am doing lol. Here are some pictures.

They look a bit big? Or is this normal?

They have a gap but...

When he sits there is no give it honestly looks like it would hurt around his belly it is SO tight. But I can't do it any looser or else I mean they will fall down??

They just seem so uncomfortable to play in.. 😔 Any ideas? He doesn't seem to want to lean forward I think it's because it's to tight.. hmm. Help! Thanks! 💚💙 Oh also! Are there any liners that are less bulky but still absorbent? These bamboo ones are so bulky and almost seem like to much, he doesn't pee through then they soak up just fine.