7 dpo


I know some people say this is too early to feel anything.. but I know my body and something is definitely up!

For the past few days I’ve been getting sooooo car sick! When i look down or at my phone I get so nauseous and dizzy, yesterday I even threw up after getting out of the car after a 45 min car ride. This never happened before!!!

Boobs! My boobs have been getting aches, not painful to the touch but aches also my nipples have been getting puffy and my boobs throughout the day looks big and then gets smaller.

Headaches since dpo 1 ! On and off horrible headaches

Cramps, some more painful then others it started on the right side then switched to the left side for a few days and now it’s like an af cramp! (Kinda)

A little back ache on and off, also been getting sick or feeling sick... tired... exhausted...

feeling full! There is definitely a fullness and bloating feeling and I have a bubbly tummy a little more gas than usual

Last thing is I had diarrhea for 3ish days followed by constipation now I’ve been more constipated but still have diarrhea

(Tested today BFN trying in a few days! (: )