Good bye...

Danielle • 👼🏽🌈👧🏽; 28 ; married

This week i have been told news i never thought I’d ever here....

On Tuesday i went in for my first ever ultrasound... i was excited/nervous and had to pee... they couldn’t see anything through the external ultrasound.. so they decided to go with a transvaginal.. well everything was going good, they looked at my ovaries and my uterus and finally i saw it. My gestational sac... but it was empty... based on my LMP i was supposed to be 8 weeks on the dot... through measurements my sac measured at 5 weeks 5 days... i immediately bursted into tears ...

I was then told to get blood work so we could monitor my levels and maybe.. just maybe my dates are off.. well i did, i was extremely emotional... my husband and i head home and i continue to cry my eyes out... and then it happened. I started bleeding... bright red blood and a lot of it.. i called the OB and they said to prepare for the worst... my beta HCG levels were at 2900 which was good, but because they couldn’t see anything via ultrasound i wasn’t out of the woods..

Fast forward to today... i got another beta test done and i waited and waited and waited... i called the doctor and she told me the news... my new levels were 500... the bleeding was not caused by the transvaginal ultrasound... its from my poor sweet innocent bean who stopped growing at 5 weeks 5 days...

i am blessed to have given you a home for those 5 weeks and 5 days... those were the best 40 days of my life... I’m hurting, I’m angry, I’m confused...

I wanted to share my story because i never thought this would ever happen to me... but it did. ...

Good by October 2018 baby group... I’ve enjoyed all 40 days i have shared with you all. I pray you all have safe and healthy pregnancies. ❤️