I’ve learned now not to worry

My baby is 5 months old now and I would ALWAYS ALWAYS have to rock to sleep for about 30 min before putting baby to sleep. I was so worried that I was making a bad habit out of this and no one would be able to put him to sleep but me. But out of the blue this week I was rocking to sleep and he was screaming and throwing a fit. I had a mini meltdown and put him in his crib as walked away....within two min he was sleeping on his own!! All this week I can place him in the crib and just like that he’s sleeping.

My advice .... do what you want to do and stop googling and listening to others. All babies are different. My husband and mother always put their two cents in and I was working myself up for no good reason.

Hold and rock all you want and follow babies cues. That’s it!