on to IVF

After 2 yrs of trying, my husband and I found out Monday that we have a 1-3% chance of being able to conceive due to fertility issues for both of us. We were floored by this as we have one beautiful 4 1/2 yr old girl that was conceived within the first month of “not trying.” Our doc said our best bet is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> so we are starting the process. I’ll have to go for my blood work in the next week or so and then they do a mandatory meeting mid month that we will attend. I go from feeling ok to wanting to cry because I still can’t figure out how or why it’s happening to us. Anyone that has been through this that has some words of encouragement or success stories or would want to give me an idea of what to expect in the coming weeks .. I’d love to hear it. We don’t feel comfortable sharing this with our family and friends until we have more answers and know what to expect. Also .. how in the world does everyone afford this? I’ve been so blessed to be home with our daughter, but this is definitely going to change things. I keep telling myself it will all be worth it .. wishing all those on similar journeys the best of luck!!