I Really Want A Baby But Im Not Married 😕

Vivian • God knows best

Hey Ladies so quick Introduction about Myself & my Relationship..So I'm 27 years old & I been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years in July...My Boyfriend is 34 year's old & for the past 2 years I have been obsessed with the idea of being a Mom...I watched vlogs & natural birth videos constantly,I really want to be a mom...but as a Christian woman I know how important it is to be married before bringing a child in this world, I have talked about it with my boyfriend over & over again about marriage but it seems like he wants a baby more then being married to me.I too want a baby just as bad but also want a family where we both are married & raising children together..& the more I think about the idea of wanting a family the more I want my boyfriend to propose to me.Im not getting any younger & some will say I'm not that old yet either,But it's starting to make me wonder if he even wants to marry me...He says he will & he have things planned,but I'm starting to wonder if that's true or not or maybe I'm being impatient but I know 3 year's is too long not to be at least engaged.. I just really want a baby...What do you guy's think? I will love to hear some awesome advice from you Ladies 💙