
please tell me I'm not the only one... my so is so lazy even on his days off. when he works he comes home and goes straight to the couch and watched t.v. till its time to eat. then goes back to the tv until bed time. on his days off he wakes up and wont move from the couch unless he's asked to do something. won't play with the kids. will play on his phone and watch tv. but as soon as me or the kids sit down to watch tv its will you go do this. or clean this up. I like to binge Netflix. but I haven't watched something I like in prolly well over 6 months cause hes always watching tv. if I tell him kids and I are watching he will go to the room and watch something on his phone. I literally just had to ask him to play with the youngest so I could shower and he made it seem like it was so inconvenient for him. like give me a break. let me shower. done with rant. sorry.