Baby kicks

Mrs. • Momma to 3 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014👼🏼, 2016👧🏼, 2018👧🏼, 2020👼🏼, 2022👧🏼, 2025🤰🏻

A few days ago I was laying with my hands on my tummy focusing trying to feel baby kick or move and I felt the slightest little thing but wasn’t sure if I was focussing so hard that I made it up. Last night I placed my hands on my tummy again and this time I knew for sure it was the baby! It was still a VERY faint kick but was definitely the baby!

I’m at my Half way point tomorrow! Still haven’t announced the pregnancy to people other than close family. Not sure yet how to do it. Debating on waiting until the 26th for my ultrasound and possibly doing a gender/pregnancy reveal if we decide to find out the gender.

I’ve been feeling pretty down about being pregnant again ever since I got the positive strip on the test since struggling with depression and anxiety after having my daughter but last night was the first time I got actually really excited about having another baby.

I love my daughter, she’s my absolute world and I love this baby already. And I hate not knowing why I’ve been depressed and dealing with severe anxiety to where I have trouble leaving the house.