Car fight and marriage problems

Okay. Me and my husband have hit a rough patch. Right now we at the point where we hardly can talk to each other due to financial stress due to his car broke down. Motor broke. It's gonna take time to fix it for one so we dealing with one car. I have to take him to work (plus I'm pregnant) at 5 am and then by the time I get back it's 6am and I gotta get ready for work. It's exhausting. Not only that. I get home last so by that time. I don't have time to cook so he has no way to go food because we live to far for take out so he has to use my car again. Now when he does this. He is gone til after midnight. He wanna hang with a his brother and friends. 😑Meanwhile I am left with the kids. Like wtf. 😩So Monday. I told him I am tired of letting him see my car. I dont mind when it's going to get food. But doing extra things like hanging with his friend and leaving me hanging with the kids. Since the motor broke down, I been home with them taking care of things and he uses my car to go chill. Not fair! So when I told him he not see my car. He pull that "wife" card and I'm like you not being a husband either or father right now. You wanna runaway from home then come back when we all sleep. He will even take my keys when I'm in the bathroom or whatever and go. He will say "ik going to get food" but he does that but be with his bro and friends. (I know this because his friends snap chat everything) Then I gotta get my ass back up and take you to work???? Plus I'm pregnant. I'm tired y'all. He taking advantage of me and my car. I don't mind taking him to work because he the bread winner. But am I wrong for over reacting about when he take my car and just go have fun? (This is every mon-Friday). So how do I stop him from using my keys? And taking advantage of me??? What is a good strategy?