

Has anyone else had pregnancy dreams and then ended up getting their bfp?

Now as crazy as it seems, hear me out. A few weeks ago during this same cycle I had an extremely vivid dream that I took a clear blue hpt and it was positive. Like vivid to the point that I can tell you what I was wearing, what my husband was wearing, etc. I started to think that maybe it was just because I was close to my fertile window, and my husband and I were starting to prepare. Now, I’m starting to believe that it may have been a sign and here’s why...

Last night I had the craziest dream. My grandmother recently passed away in August and the dream I had centered around me and my husband visiting her house. In the dream my grandmother appeared much younger and healthier than she did when she passed away and the dream was so vivid and real that she was wearing one of her favorite outfits and we were standing in the sunroom of her actual home. When my husband and I arrived at her home she looked at me and made a comment about her babysitting my daughter for the day. And she said “ya know, they say that grandparents that babysit live longer.” (Creepy I know) I walked over to a high chair that looked like the old one she had at her house for me and my sisters when we were younger and picked up MY DAUGHTER and starting rocking her.

She had peach fuzz blonde hair like I did when I was a baby, blue eyes, and was a little chunker! 😂 I woke up in the middle of rocking and burping her.

But wait... there’s more. About a week ago I took two of those stupid Facebook “when will you be pregnant” quizzes and one said I’d be pregnant in February and the other one said I’d be pregnant with A BABY GIRL! Like whaaaaat!? The last time I took one of those quizzes I had a chemical pregnancy the month it predicted I’d be pregnant!

I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high. But right now I’m 3dpo and hoping my gram is working some magic up in heaven! This could finally be my month 🤰🏻