grandparents correcting child

my son, husband and I live at my husband's parents house. my son doesn't like to eat at the table. WIC and other doctors have even mentioned that he doesn't have to as long as he eats. I asked my husband's parents to watch my son while he eats cause I'm sick and contagious. they are trying to force him to eat at the table and he's crying his heart out. I feel like he's being traumatized. on the other hand my husband doesn't think that and that I'm in the wrong for stepping in. am I in the wrong? or are they, also my husband's dad tries to act like he's the father sometimes and will get in my face or get super angry at me for stepping in. And will give in to my son and go behind our back to give him what he wants. again am I in the wrong or them. also I'll be 25 weeks pregnant tomarrow. : UPDATE: for those who are asking he's 2 and we had him eatting well at the table then he stopped eatting while he was there and started losing weight and that's why the doctors and WIC said to do what we have been doing. And as far as my husband we are almost always on the same page almost. but with me being a day away from being 25 weeks and the way they are treating my son and correcting him as their own without asking me. is becoming very worriesome. especially that my husband's dad yelled at my son to stop crying and pounded on the table. And then he keeps me from taking my son away from that danger. And I'm in the wrong in my husband's, his mom and dad's eyes. And they see no difference then when my husband's would correct him and my husband does not pound on things or yell at him to stop crying etc.