Hard-headed adults

My dream is to be a feature twirler, and im trying to convince my band director to let me go for it.

Side note: Baton twirlers are the pretty sparkly girls that dance on the football field with the metal sticks lol. Feature twirlers on the other hand are chosen to have a different uniform and they get to do more complex routines all by themselves. while the marching band performs, the feature twirler weaves in and out, with more intricate tricks, for the entire show.

My band director claims that it doesnt match our style of marching band when there are many other military style marching bands that have them. And she just blatantly refuses to have an open mind. Baton twirling is the only thing i love about band anymore and the group routines are boring and babyish. Im starting to hate what im supposed to love! I want something to work towards! I joined a competitive twirling team last year outside of school, just to improve and now, after seeing what our line could be like, i have no love for it. Also, im going to try out for feature twirl in college, and if i cant do this now and get experience, theres less of a chance of me getting picked. How do i convince her? Please give me any advice you can think of! Pleasseee

Another Side note: not to be annoying, but her daughter (also a twirler) just beat me out of first chair, so as a result i lost the piccolo, (the adorable tiny flute that the first chair gets to play during football season)

feature twirl is probably something her daughter would want to do, but she would have to go through hell for a couple years (because i did) to get to the level im at.

But anyway, i sense bias and i just want to have some fun. I have two years of high school left and i work my ass off every single day, skipping lunch, and our 30 minute break to practice

My parents completely support me, and they would be so proud to watch me represent my school well

So pleeeesseeee give me some good ideas on swaying her in my direction. I want this sooooo bad

**Please dont be rude and say im bragging. Im just trying to get across that ive worked hard enough to deserve this position