he was hitting on my husband??

Oprah • •20•♡mom to cora♡👣. ♐.

A friend I haven't seen in a couple years made multiple passes at my husband. He has autism and my husband is willing to be friends with him but not physically be around him, because of the direction the reunited friendship took. This friend said he would wear a butt plug & asked my husband if we were swingers and when he said no the friend said he was missing out on all the buttsex ??? He posted on snapchat a picture of him hanging out w my husband with a fliter of Snapchat hearts and just general weirdness. When my husband told me this I thought he was joking & just messing w me but then I saw the snaps & everything & last night while they were playing fortnite I said something about him talking to his "side ho's" *he doesn't have any it's just a joke* & this friend said "who Me? I'm your side chick? I wanna be your side chick". I honestly don't know what to do I need advise we are not trying to end the friendship but we also don't know how to continue after this ?? ADVICE NEEDED THANKS