Finally my turn!


My baby was showing no signs of coming out so I was scheduled march 4th to be induced when my due date was February 27th, so just a normal day (feb 27th) nothing happens then at around 5am I thought my water broke slowly so I called and doctor said I should go in and get checked & my water did not break but once I got there I started having contractions 2-3 mins apart so they decided to keep me around 9am they tried breaking my water it did not work :( so we planned a long L&D; I stayed and the next night nurses explained around 4am they would start giving me medicine to help dialate but my water broke on its own around 12am so the process became much faster got my epidural relaxed and around 9am I was ready to push!! FTM so I was crying that I couldn't do it but my beautiful baby girl was born at 10:23 AM weighing 7lbs 3o


We are currently still at hospital but both doing well hopefully I could take her home tomorrow! 💜💜