Is this even legal?!

There is a case in my town right now where a guy a know will now be doing jail time. He has severe kidney failure and does dialysis 3-4 times a week. He owns a service dog because he is also disabled and has other conditions that the dog is trained to help with. The dog is very, very well behaved and is known in the town well, she even looks after her sister dog. Well, the sister dog got out of the fence and wandered across the street. The service dog named Skittles went over to herd the other dog back across the street which she herds the sister dog all the time. Well a man came out and the dog's weren't even in his yard, they were on the sidewalk and he got mad that they were close to his property and got a shovel and cornered both dog's in a corner. Any dog when feeling threatened will growl, it's their protective response, well that's what Skittles did because the man had cornered her and was yelling at her and threatening her with the shovel. The man said he felt threatened and began the beat Skittles in the head with the shovel. His neighbor saw the whole thing! The neighbor ran over and made him stop and took Skittles and her sister home and they rushed her to the vet for care. She lived thankfully, but had blood loss and lot's of pain and stitches. The cops came and issued Skittles owner with a ticket because they say it was his fault. Then it somehow got taken to court. Well, they day before the case Skittles owner had to be hospitalized (they have a doctors note and proof of hospital care) due to his conditions. He called to tell what had happened and asked if it could be put back and they refused. The man that beat Skittles is now pushing to have Skittles put down! They also are putting her owner in jail for 2 weeks because he couldn't afford an ankle monitor to be on house arrest for not being able to show up for the court date. He may be looking at 2 weeks with no dialysis!! Is this shit even legal? I am soooooo disappointed in my towns legal system!! They could just have assigned the ticket and let it to or said the dog needed obedience classes, no they are gonna put a person's life at risk for their dog getting out 1 time and going a couple feet! And yet our drug dealers and pedophile's get less time! 😠😑