Multiple false positives?


I've just been to my doctor and want to cry. I told him I'd come to see him because I've had 2 chemicals over the past 6 months, and I wanted to know what I could do to help them stick (I'd read about progesterone and baby aspirin etc). In both instances I have had multiple days (a week or so) of positive pregnancy tests (obviously positive, no faint lines). The first time, I even had a blood test which came back as positive but the levels were low (on their way back down). Anyway, so dr can you help?

His response was no. That I was never pregnant and I was clearly just getting false positives.

I thought false positives were rare and even rarer to get them that many times in a row over a period of time.

So now I'm incredibly disheartened, feel like an idiot, and don't know what to do next.