Boyfriend asked me to shave my legs?!!????


So my boyfriend and I were laying in bed and he was stroking my legs and suddenly sits up and looks at them more intensely and I was like what?

He was like “have you shaved your legs?”

I’m like no?

He asked me “well will you shave your legs for me?”

Now I have never shaved my legs before. And before you get all like eww gross or whatever: my leg hair is so fine that it looks like I have no hair on my legs at all. And every woman I’ve told this to they told me not to start shaving if it’s like that because it’s fine. And I wash my legs daily so I don’t have germs or whatever.

I said I would if he did but he said I don’t have to I’m a man! I’m like oh and because I’m a woman I have to?!

But my problem is that after I told him I wouldn’t, he told me he’d love me more if I did! And that I’m a woman and i should do it. I told him repeatedly no, but he just got out of bed and said we should go watch the office on the couch.

I’m just so upset and need advice! After we watched tv I went home but before I left he half heartedly said sorry and that “you do you boo”

I also get ingrown hairs all over my body.

Any advice guys? ❤️❤️❤️