3/2 - CD 36 - 12 DPO - HELP 👀


Temp still 98.0 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I need y’alls eyes because I’m not convinced and im probably seeing things. ill be honest, I don’t see anything on the regular images but I *think* and this is a huge MAYBE, that the inverted ones show something. And if it is, it’s the faintest line I’ve ever looked at. With my temp still up there, I’m just really wondering. So if you could be honest, and give me your opinion that would be great. I’ll probably take another cheapie late afternoon/early evening. One FRER left and I’m saving it for tomorrow as long as my temp doesn’t drop significantly.

Symptom wise - my boobs became more sore yesterday but that’s about it. My CM has pretty light post O, and my cervix is so high today I can’t feel it.

Waiting is torture. The only reason I feel hopeful yet is because of that high temp 😕