Excited!? Yes... and no? But why....

Chelsie • Isla June ‘16 💖 Lachlan Dec ‘18 💙 Maisie 💕 Dec ‘20 - born to Jesus @ 30wks umbilical cord accident 3️⃣👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 Dec ‘17 March ‘18 May ‘20 (7wks)

Super excited to be pregnant again after a miscarriage in December.

We started trying back in October and got pregnant right away again! Awesome. We were going to have another baby. In July. Another summer baby. 2 Years 1 month younger than our Isla.

We lost the baby almost 4 weeks after finding out (at 7 weeks) in the beginning of December... right before we were going to tell our family for the holidays.

We started trying again immediately. It seems like it took forever! But looking back now I think we only missed two chances. The first probably too soon to the miscarriage to be, and the second my husband was out of town during the prime window. But it just seems like forever going from a July due date to a November due date. However, I know how blessed I am for it to have happened again so easily.

At the same time, my excitement seems “muted” in a sense this time. This is what I wanted... to get pregnant again ASAP! I’m not fearful of another miscarriage... but something underlying seems to be keeping my excitement at bay. Maybe it will take until my 8wk OB appt to truly feel the excitement this time around. Just wanted to share my story since at this point there isn’t any to share with really! And we all know how good men are at talking... 😉