Am I being unreasonable?

Theresa • Met my husband through World of Warcraft. Now 6 years later we are married (10/17/14).
At 5 weeks 2 days (Friday June 5th) I went to the ER with spotting and cramping.  They ultimately said go back to your OB and they will redo blood work Monday and let you know if you are going to miscarry.  Monday the dr ordered the blood work and said they would call me with the results the next day and to schedule a new OB appointment for 2 weeks from then.  Tuesday I don't get a phone call.  Finally I call them and they nonchalantly tell me the dr is not in that day and he will let me know Wednesday.  I got mad, as I have been stressing since Friday about what is happening.  I call another office and they say to have my dr fax the records and they will see what they can do.   I finally get told my hcg is going up but it hadn't doubled (it had been 3 days in between).  Then today the OB's office call to tell me to redo blood work because while the dr was happy with my hcg levels he didn't like my progesterone.  So today I did that.  In the meantime the other office I wanted to transfer to called and said when I was in the ER the ultrasound showed both embryos did not have a yolk sac.  One was 5 weeks 4 days one 5 weeks 6 days.  So they would not schedule me until my current on says the pregnancy is viable.  Apparently at my new OB appointment scheduled on the 22nd of June they aren't planning on doing an ultrasound.  I just want to know if these are viable or not.  Am I being crazy to think someone should just do another ultrasound to see if they are growing?  Or try for a heartbeat?  I am 6 weeks today.  This is my first pregnancy and I am really concerned.  I mean if they aren't progressing why shouldn't I find out sooner rather than later?  Sorry for the long post!  Just so scared and frustrated.