Why is this happening again?? πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”


Sunday, I realized I was suppose to start my period that day and I had no signs of AF. You see, my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for the second time since we suffered a miscarriage in December of 2015. I had gotten so use to negative tests, I just knew this one would be negative too! The only test I had was a off brand digital so I decided to take it.

BAM BFP! I couldn’t believe it!!!!! It actually said PREGNANT!!!!!! So I made my husband go out and get a cheapie just to see! It was faint but it was there!!!

We decide to let my two best friends and my sisters and my Mom in on the good news. Something you should know about me, I’m super open about our TTC journey with my family and close friends and well anyone who reads my blog. Of course they’re over the moon and excited.

I felt like I was in a dream.All those things people say β€œIt will happen when it’s meant to happen.” And it finally happened after two years!!!! I spent the whole day yesterday with my sisters shopping and talking about baby stuff. Yesterday morning I took another cheapie just to see a really good positive test. I was disappointed with how faint the test came back, I thought for sure it would be darrrrrkkkk like BAM in your face positive. But nevertheless, it was still positive and I am PREGNANT!!!!

Everything. Was. Perfect.

Until today.








I was at work and went to use the restroom and when I wiped, this is what I was on the toilet paper.

I called my doctors office and because I’m too early, they can’t tell me if I’m having a miscarriage or if there is another cause for the bleeding. I am home now and I decided to see what a test says.


The line is so faint now. You can barely pick it up on a camera.

I don’t find out for sure until Tuesday but I wanted to share my story in case someone else goes through this.

God please don’t take my baby.

Can you all pray for a miracle?


Update: this mornings test so heartbroken. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” I know it was a chemical. I will never early again. I will wait until my period is 2 weeks late. This is awful.