Need some encouragement please!

Bry • Miscarried 12-12-17 💔 Proud mother of my rainbow baby born October 5th, 2018

I had a miscarriage in December, and found out that we are pregnant with our rainbow on January 19th. We're so excited, but extremely nervous. Last pregnancy, I had a small amount of small red bleeding the night before my 11 week ultrasound. We found out in that ultrasound that my baby had no heartbeat and had stopped growing. This time, I had some light pink spotting around 7 weeks, but we had an ultrasound and everything was fine. I had bacterial Vaginosis, and they think thats what caused it. I'm now 9 weeks and last night had some more light pink spotting, which then turned brown. My Dr. didn't seem concerned. I did some heavy lifting two days ago, and wonder if that could have caused it? I'm on pelvic rest, and the spotting stopped this morning. I'm just so nervous. My next ultrasound isn't until March 19th, which seems forever away. Does anybody have any positive experiences, or stories about their rainbow babies? Anything that would give me hope? Thank you in advance. ❤❤❤