I’m desperate help!!! Long post

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Well first I didn’t know this but rocking a baby is bad and to put them down drowsy. No one ever told me this. So now my son is 4 months going through a sleep regression. He use to sleep so well he would go to bed by 7 wake up around 12 and then again at 4-5 and then not until 8. Now it takes almost a hour to get him to even close his eyes and the moment I put him down wide awake. I’ve tried to pay him on the back,butt, sing to him, shhh him and nothing works but rocking. Also he can’t be swaddled anymore even though he loves it because he breaks every time and wakes up the moment he gets out. I’ve tried the love to dream 50/50 and the Merlin suit. He hates both. Only thing he will sleep good in is being swaddled. Also I had to put him in a rock n play because he had reflux. Now he’s getting way to big for it and only will sleep in it if it’s rocking all night. I don’t allow him to rock at night. Unless I’m super beyond desperate for sleep. Which I’m getting to that point. I never allowed him to rock at night and all of sudden he wants it 24/7. Also if I don’t allow it to rock he will wake up every hour. I’ll put down at 5 he’s back up at 6 wanting to be rocked again. If I let it rock he will sleep at least two hours. Not much of a difference but I’m excited when I can get two hours. Also when ever I try to put him to sleep he fights me. Everything he loves before he hates. He’s so fussy all the time. I know this has to do with the sleep regression. Everyone is saying if I don’t fix the way he’s asleep now he will stay that way. I can’t deal anymore with no sleep and it’s already going on a week in half of this. Please help someone! What am I doing wrong! I feel like the worse mother. I dread putting my son to sleep or when he wakes up in the middle of the night. It gives me anxiety now because I can’t do anything to get him to sleep. My back is killing me from rocking him. Mind you I wouldn’t ever have to rock him like I am now. I would do it for a few mins and he’s out now I do it for. 45 mins well he fussed and struggles and wiggles all around help please