Ultrasound tech pronoun slip

We had our ultrasound on Tuesday and the first thing we told the tech was that we did not want to know the baby's sex, and even to have us look away from the screen when she was in that area so we didn't accidentally see anything. As it turned out, baby was feeling modest and had its legs crossed and even with poking by the tech didn't want to move. Finally, the tech saw the sex but baby moved again too fast for her to get a picture for the doctor. I had my face turned away and my eyes covered during quite a few minutes of her trying to get baby to move again. Then, in a quiet voice she said something about what baby was doing and used the word "he". I can't remember the sentence anymore. My husband didn't hear her because she said it quietly and I was the one right next to her. Later, while she was measuring the baby's arms and legs she asked if there was height in our family because baby seemed to have height.

Ever since a few hours after the ultrasound I have grown more and more upset over the pronoun slip I heard. My husband keeps telling me I may have heard wrong, but I don't think I did. 😦 This is my third and last child. I found out the sex at the ultrasound with the first two and so badly wanted this baby to be a compete surprise. Now I feel like I got that taken from me.