I’m so sad


So I had my first ultrasound feb 12th and my baby was measuring behind two weeks I was supposed to be 8 but it was showing 6 so i had another ultrasound last Friday and the tech said there no baby so they did some blood again and it dropped from 81,000 to 50,000 so Tuesday I went for my appointment to discuss my options and I chooses a d&c; well last night I started bleeding by and miscarried my baby and the tech said they was nothing but in my pad was my little baby with eyes and I broke down well today I got my d&c; like I was supposed but I feel so heartbroken I want my baby and I don’t know how to deal with this I had to put my baby box and papers away and lock the door the baby was going to be in because it breaks my heart I haven’t stopped crying and I miss my baby