36 week appointment update

Madison💁🏼‍♀️ • Retailer// Married 6 yrs// Mommy to fraternal twin girls// surprise baby on the way!
Had a growth ultrasound. My doctor warned me the MFM doctor would be pushy about setting an induction date. Thats the first thing she asked when she saw me! Ha. Babies look good: A is 6'12" and B is 6'2". Estimates, obviously, but right on track and looking good. 
Also, the foot elevating helped! They don't look as swollen today. I lost 4 pounds since yesterday, hahaha! 
BP still high, so he told me to buy a cuff and keep checking to make sure I don't hit 160s. But I'm on bedrest so hopefully it doesn't go higher. At least it stayed the same! 
He told me lots of sex and nipple stimulation will help get them out before having to induce. So once we hit Sunday (day before I hit 37 weeks) we will see if the breast pump will help at all with starting labor.
I'm at 1.5 cm (didn't know they counted half centimeters! Lol) and 65% effaced as of Tuesday.