

Okay ladies. So today is Day 3 that I am late for AF.. three days before I was supposed to get my period, I took a test and it was negative. I was very disappointed, and awaited AF as it was supposed to be here on the 4th.. it didn’t come, and I saw really no signs of it coming but I’ve also been having more sex than normal (I am visiting my husband this month, he is in the army and we do not live together yet) and I looked it up and it says that sex can throw your hormones out of wack and delay your period about a day or two... HOWEVER, it is now day three that I am late and today I’ve been having some lower abdominal (by lower abdominal I mean literally in my uterus) cramping but they’re not so much period cramps it’s more like a sharpish pain that’s always subtly there. I’ve never experienced this pain before so I am wondering if anyone has gotten this before their BFP?? I really have no idea what to think at this point because the test I took 5 days ago was negative. I also “told” glow that AF was late and it rescheduled it to come tomorrow, but as I said before, I’m not really experiencing pre AF symptoms. I’m also feeling a little nauseous and don’t really have an appetite today which is VERY unusual for me especially before my period... SOMEONE HELP

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Take another test