
On the 14 of January me and my boyfriend had PROTECTED sex where when we were done underneath me there was some fluid that I didn’t know what it was so to be sure I took plan B (mind you we checked the condom and it hadn’t broke just wanted to be safe rather than sorry)

On February 16 I had to take a pregnancy test so I could get put under for surgery on the mouth (which I was extremely stressed out over), so I’m assuming that pregnancy test was a negative because they would of told me right?

The two days that are marked after I took the plan was two days where I had light bleeding that was red/pink/brown which I am assuming was because of the plan b maybe forcing my body to reject the egg or something idk

Now I’m three days late for my period and idk what is going on? My boyfriend says it’s because I’m stressed because we only have protected sex and are super cautious that the condom doesn’t break, but my period in January was super weird!

It was lighter then normal and I had no clots like I usually do, so im wondering if maybe the timing of when I took the plan be maybe stopped me from producing an egg that month or something. But near the end of my period it stopped and then it started again and then stopped and started AGAIN so I obviously was freaking out at this time.

Anyways fast forward to now, I’m not bloated, my boobs will ache (which for me tender boobs two daysish before my period is normal) but they will stop for a day and then ache again, I haven’t been eating because I’m so anxious over being pregnant that I don’t want to, but tonight I’ve been having cramps like I had before my last period but still no period, my discharge and lessened quite a lot like it normally does before my period but idk if I’m having period symptoms or pregnancy symptoms.

Please help 😭

These are two different monthes!