Change of plan and I'm heartbroken


Last week I was told my placenta previa resolved enough for a vaginal birth. Then my Dr went on holiday and I was referred to the OBGYN. Yesterday he told me and showed me all of the research that my previa is still too close to the cervix to comfortably try a vaginal birth and we will need to schedule a cesarean for tomorrow. I live in a remote town and he said the complications could be more comfortably managed if I were in a bigger city with better resources, but that is not the case.

He said the biggest risks are vasa previa and my membrane rupturing, the umbilical cord falling out, getting pinched, then my baby has 10 minutes before he dies and the placenta rupturing during labour, me hemorrhaging, and them being unable to control it without a hysterectomy and this would be my first and last baby. I've been crying uncontrollably all day yesterday and all night. I feel like I had the promise of a vaginal birth only to have the shit scared out of me and that promise torn away. I've always prepared myself for a cesarean and think I would have done better if I were told this last week instead of being put on this stupid emotional rollercoaster. I went to the hospital for a steroid shot last night too. It's all just happening so fast. Thanks for listening ❤