appropriation of slang


Do you think slang can be appropriated? Back when I was in school, I always felt somewhat uncomfortable with the use of (predominately) African-American slang by my uber-white classmates. (which they mostly encountered via hip-hop and rap, because that town was probably 99% white.). When I was younger, I didn't really have the right way to describe why it made me uncomfortable, except beyond the sense that it felt illicit. Now, I'd say that what made me uncomfortable was the appropriation of slang, ripped from its context and away from the people who created it. And more than that, it kind of felt like they were playing at "ghetto", which their privilege let them do without consequence and which they could very easily walk away from. 

But on the other hand, language is really mutable and borrowing and reinvention happens  and it would be hard to draw absolute boundaries and you wouldn't want to segregate language into absolutely isolated camps. especially based on race, and especially because that would ignore the fact that culture and subcultures aren't flat and are formed around things other than just race. 

I guess I just have complicated feelings on this. You guys?