Admitted uk mom


37weeks exactly

So at 10:30 pm last i was admitted having strong contractions and loosing my show.

They examined me and said i wasnt dilating so they would keep me in to reassess in the morning. (Booked for a csection in 14 days due to 2 emergency’s previously) the gave me the first steroid injection for babies lungs and then 12 hours later had the other so thats fine.

In the morning doctors came back and said they would just monitor me all day throughout the day they have calmed down although still getting some and the blood has been flowing bright red until about an hour ago so 24 hours.

Not been checked since or reassessed by a doctor so now just waiting to see what the night can bring and what happens tomorrow but they have told me so many different things i think ill just be sent home ! Which is so annoying!!!!!!!😩