So done and so long to go

Jesika • Wifey to Enginerd, Mother to daughters, 12/21/09 and 05/16/2018, due May 2021 with #3, working hard to build a girl gang

Just looking for some "I hear ya" and "You're not alone". I'm pregnant with baby #3 and it honestly is my hardest pregnancy yet. With #1 I was 16.....way too young.....and although I gained a lot of weight I still worked as a cashier my whole pregnancy. With Baby #2 I was 22 and again, worked standing through my whole pregnancy. This time around I'm 30 and I honestly have a pretty cushy desk job where I sit and walk as needed but man alive I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever and I will forever have a sore back, heartburn, swollen feet, painful Braxton Hicks, carpal tunnel and forget where I parked. I know this isn't the case and at 29 weeks I'm actually "close" but I cannot even. Not to mention I hate everyone, cry at the smallest thing and recently have taken to throwing myself little pity parties even though I know how grateful I should be. I think pregnancy is an amazing, powerful, beautiful thing and I truly don't take it for granted it May yet? Any one else feel me???