Mama’s can you see the faint positive lines?


Do you see what I see?!! Do you see a line or I’m imagining this?

Ive been taking mini pill and nursing my 10 month old so this kinda comes to me as surprise! I just recently had been having some symptoms and woke up last night with a gut feeling to test and was shocked to see a kinda something but not sure...

I would be 4w?d if this is what I’m thinking.

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Posted at
This happened to me three months ago! I was 54 days late for my period, but kept getting negative after negative test... eventually I started my period. Not sure if I was actually pregnant and just lost it early or if I was just psyching myself out too much... but anyway good luck! Just found out today that I’m actually pregnant! Totally unexpected and VERY visible 😅😂 good luck ❤️


Mary • Mar 18, 2018
Socweird!! Im on day41 of my cycle and still no period! Soooo we shall see! Conngrats to youB


Posted at
I see it!


Mary • Mar 10, 2018
Well I took another 3 test and they were all negative so mabye not!! gonna give it more time and