2 Week Wait..


Anyone have experience with getting prego with unprotected sex 3 or 4 days pre ovulation? my fiance and I fully plan on having another child someday, we have 3 kids between us, I have a 7 year old boy he has a 3 year old daughter and we have a nine month old son together. Our plan that we've talked about was to wait until our son is out of diapers and possibly try for another. well my fiance and I did the deed twice on the 6th, and weren't as careful as we should have been. He did not use the bathroom after the first time, and did not pull out the second time. according to Glow I was 3 or 4 days pre ovulation(I track my period and my CM has been raw egg whites), so now fiance and I are in an unexpected two week wait. How accurate have y'all found the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow apps</a> fertility and ovulation predictions to be? attached are photos of my ovulation prediction/sex log and my cycle history.. we usually refrain from any sexual activity around my fertile days but that didn't happen this time obviously..