Had my 3 hr glucose test yesterday and this happened🙄😢


I had the appointment at 2 pm and so of course I hadn’t ate anything since like 10 pm the previous day. I thought I was gonna be able to handle it but as soon as they took those first 3 tubes of blood I felt a hot rush pass through my body 😰 and then once I drank that drink (tasted better this time, I was prob just really hungry) it game back up 45 min later🤢 thank god they didn’t make me drink it again, but that’s how my whole appointment went, my face always does this when I vomit aggressively, they were freaked out when I came out that bathroom lol said it was just blood vessels popping haha I have never felt so dizzy and sick in my entire life this really ruined my pregnancy experience I’m really glad I got it over with lol I don’t ever wanna see that drink again😭🤣