Please offer your experience! FTM w/ big baby


So I'm 5'2, 160lb (have gained 32lb this pregnancy), first time giving birth. We have been monitored weekly since 35 weeks simply because my boy is measuring really big. I do not have GD. Today (38 + 1) he measures 9lb and has a big head (in 99th percentile!). We had already scheduled induction for next week due to his size, but now dr is pushing for c-section because I haven't dilated, cervix is super high and so is baby (he has been head down the whole 3rd trimester though). Dr is convinced baby will not/ cannot drop due to size. In his exact words "there is no way in hell that baby is coming out of your vagina". He did say that I could go through with induction as planned, and try to push. Then of course if things don't progress we go to OR. I understand ultrasound estimates can be off, so I am going to proceed with that plan so I can say that I tried to push. Just wanted to see who else has had the issue of baby being big/ not dropping by 38 weeks/ not dilating. I have been taking primrose oil and doing all the "prep" tricks you read about.