Ring test and pregnant?


Back in 2016 when I had announced to my family that I was pregnant my mom immediately told me she wanted to do the ring test on me. For those who do not know about the ring test it’s where you put a ring on a string and you hold it over your hand or belly. The ring will begin moving on its own for each child you have had or are pregnant with. I know different sites tell you different things but my ring moved back and forth and then stopped. My mother announced I was having a girl. A few weeks later I found out I was having a girl. Fast forward to today. My sister in law just announced that she was pregnant and my mother immediately pulled out her ring to do the ring test on her. She then proceeded to go around the room and show each of the woman sitting at the table that her ring test worked. When it came to my turn I had expected the ring to go back and forth and then stop but to my surprise it went back and forth (for my now 10 month old daughter) and then it began to swing around in large circles. Now my husband and I have been trying for the last 7 months to get pregnant without any success. Could this just be a trick or is the ring test telling us something we aren’t aware of just yet. I take a test next week to find out.