Hormone confliction

Hi ladies,

I’m wondering if anyone else has gone through or is going through the same state of mind... I was diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis about 10years ago now and within the last 2 years it became a big part of my life as my SO and I decided we would try to have a baby since our odds were slim to none. We were blessed to have our BFP 5 months into trying and are now waiting on the arrival of our cleft cutie any day now. I feel so terrible saying this but I find myself wondering if we made the right decision, if I will be a good mother, and if I’ll be able to satisfy the needs of my special needs baby. I do love this baby and I am extremely protective over this baby but I just don’t know why I’m feeling the way I am.... is this hormones or is this just normal “My life is about to change drastically” anxiety. Please don’t think I’m not appreciative of this blessing because I absolutely am especially after being told our odds were slim and know there are women out there struggling but I just don’t understand why I’m feeling this 😔