How do I help my husband feel wanted?

My husband keeps bringing up the fact that he doesn’t feel wanted. This started when my son was born. (We’ve been married for almost 5 years and my son is 1.) I know it was tough in the beginning because we didn’t have sex until about 8 weeks after my c-section, and I was never in the mood. For the first couple of months, we only had sex about 2x a month, and he was the only one who initiated it. Then he was complaining about not feeling wanted, so we started having weekly sex and I try to be the one to initiate it sometimes. (Weekly sex was typical before I got pregnant also.) He also wanted more time alone, so we’ve been attempting to have a kid-free date night once a month (or two months). Even on the days I plan to initiate sex, sometimes he brings up the topic of not feeling wanted, and then it kills the mood for me. I work full time, my son still doesn’t sleep through the night and I still nurse him. I’m exhausted most days, but I still *try* to make my husband feel loved... it’s just harder now with a baby. How do I make him feel wanted?? Is anyone else dealing with this?