Things you shouldn’t say in public.. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

C 🖤

Y’know when your baby is inconsolable and you try anything and everything to cheer them up? Well that’s how we discovered the “shaky butt dance”. Our son absolutely LOVES it. You basically pick up his legs/knees/hips and wiggle his butt around, while singing “cha cha cha, shake my butt”. He goes crazy laughing.

Anyways today my partner was watching him on his day off so I went to run some errands. He calls while I’m in the doctors waiting room and says that he baby literally won’t stop crying- he’s way overtired and teething and nothing is helping. So I’m like “did you try the shaky butt dance?” and my boyfriend is like “...what..?”. “The shaky butt dance! That dance I showed you the other day? Honestly he loves it, he’ll be your best friend if you do the shaky butt dance” and he’s like oh yeah ok I’ll try that, see you later. I hang up the phone and realise that everyone else in there is absolutely silent and you can hear a pin drop. There’s a guy sat next to me smirking, so I try to explain myself and quietly start saying “oh, I just realised how that must’ve sounded! I’m not a stripper or anything! Haha!” And just then I get called in by the doctor and have to just leave with “really I’m not, it’s a dance I do with my son” which obviously sound so much better 😂

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said in public or been misunderstood about?