Second c-section way worse!


I had heard from a lot of other women that the second c-section is easier but I have found it the complete opposite! My doctor had to make a larger incision from the original which isn’t even a big deal since it’s below the bikini line. But he also closed me up differently. My first c-section was dissolvable sutures and surgical glue on the outside. I remember being pleasantly surprised, it wasn’t even red or swollen, no blood, no bruising. I was wearing normal summer clothes, my own underwear and jeans by 3/4 weeks. Went to a water park and the beach at 5/6 weeks in a bikini and wasn’t in any pain!

This time he did sutures again but used a “glue mesh” on top which I hated. It was sticky and from sweating so much in my sleep it didn’t come off on its own. My doctor removed it at my 2 week post op appointment. I also am so sore in my lower abdomen between my belly button and the incision. The incision itself doesn’t hurt but also have soreness below it in my pubic area. I had to go buy all new underwear because anything sitting below my belly button hurts! Still having to wear leggings everyday. And the “knot” at the end of my incision never dissolved! So there’s a little piece of thread hanging out. Like wtf?

I’m now 5 weeks out so I thought I would be in so much better shape but I’m so not! I’ve asked my doc and I know all these things are normal. Just wasn’t expecting it since my first c-section which was an emergency was so much less painful everywhere except the incision. And this time is the opposite! 😕