Low and slow rising HCG levels at 5 weeks


Hi all.

I am pregnant for the third time after two miscarriages in 6 months. I had my bHCG checked based on my history and it’s not looking good... just looking for similar stories and outcomes to those who can relate. My numbers are low and slow to rise.

Beta 1 - 44

Beta 2 - 88 (after 72 hours)

Beta 3 - 230 (after 96 hours)

Beta 4 - 373 (after 65 hours), 62% increase

Am I headed for a 3rd miscarriage? I’m on progesterone suppositories based on my last miscarriage because we suspected it was low. I had blood work done for recurrent miscarriages and all that came back normal. My heart can’t take this anymore.
