Someone... Anyone.


Ok so my boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years in April. He works from 5am to 12pm and sometimes 1pm. I just got a new job (thank God) but for the last couple months I haven’t had a steady job. So since I’ve been without a job, he claims “I’m not on my grind” but I totally disagree! It’s been so hard to find a good paying job in my city... it literally took me almost a year to find a good job that I enjoy & that’s worth it. He doesn’t know the struggle, he’s had a good paying job for 2 years now. Long story short we’ve been arguing on and off for months now because he claims he’s always tired, he doesn’t have time for me, and he ‘doesn’t lay around all day like me’ which is fucking mean. AND he plays video games nonstop after work, “sleeps”, always has an excuse for why we can’t spend time anywhere but his room or is busy doing other things even though... that I never know about. I know he wants to see me do good but damn. Tell me what y’all think about this man cause a girl needs to know.