Opinions please


My husband and I are ttc our first child (I have one child from my first marriage). I told my husband this month that “I’m done trying”. I’m not truly done trying but more so done stressing over it. This month I’ve felt “different”. We have had plenty of sex around the possible ovulation time. I’m bloated, roller coaster emotional (that’s what my husband says and I have to agree), intermittent breast tenderness, super congested, intermittent nausea, plenty of EWCM and then the strangest thing happened tonight.... I work at an independent living facility and one of my fav residents hands me $10 (for doing his laundry lol) and when I insist that I can’t take it he says “give it to your little girl”. Ironically my husband, son and I all want to have a little girl. I have an 8 year old boy and yes he looks and acts all boy lol! AF is due Sunday (in less than 2 days). I’m sure many of you are saying...you had one child how do you not know what pregnancy feels like? Well, I had no symptoms with my first pregnancy until 6-8 weeks in.

So the opinions I need are....do you think it could be a sign that I’m preggo....finally? Should I test now or just wait? I’m so tired of getting my hopes up just to be let down.