Should I test again?


Thank you for taking the time to read and help! I am 12 days late on my period tomorrow. I have been going through moving changes to a different state so after taking a pregnancy test the 6th and 8th day and those test came out negativity I decided missed period must be due to changes (even though I have never missed a period and I have never “spotted” before from any stress bigger than this) but hey, I’m getting older and this happens I guess. I woke this morning with blood, figured my period started, put a tampon in this morning and when I removed it to shower after a few hours it was like “old blood” and dry. Put another tampon in before work and went a few hours longer, even less old blood and super dry( sucks removing a dry tampon!) no sign of blood, which is very nice! Ha! Continue to have period symptoms, bloating, cramps, emotional as hell! Should I take another pregnancy test? I don’t want to waste money on more tests when I’ve been ttc for 3 years. Seems like I might be looking too far into these period symptoms and spotting for the first time ever.

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