(friendship advice) would you say im overreacting? please read it all the way through..


I'm try to be super supportive of my best friend, so supportive that if she has anything exciting happening on the same day I have anything exciting I won't bring up my excitement until much later during the day or the next day. I don't want to make her feel her thing isn't important to me so i give my full attention. Anyways, today she got an offer acceptance on the house they really wanted! Super exciting!!! I'm so happy for her. So here is where my feelings get hurt. I waited 7 hours to bring up the house we are in the process of buying. We have signed forms and we are about to put the down payment on the house any day now. I didn't even mention it while we went through the process. So about 7 hours later, I mention it. And all she asked was who did we invest with and how much we put down and the said nice congrats. So I answered her questions and she has yet to read or respond to what I wrote. I'm choosing to believe that she is so wrapped up in her excitement that my news isn't on her radar which I can understand to a point. The reason why it hurts my feelings is because I talked to her and gave her reassurances and asked her many questions and even asked her for pictures. She only asked me two questions and has yet to respond back to my answers. Am I overreacting? There has been a few other times on a different area she does this. And no this won't affect our friendship, I am just looking for the okay to bring it up to her when we talk next. Should I just let it go?