Mother in law didn't take it well


I found out very early on (3weeks) that I was pregnant with my daughter. Being over the moon we decided to tell our parents straight away and I made it very clear to my MIL that I don't want anyone to know until over 12weeks. Literally 4 days later, family came over to see me 😑😑😑😑😑 So this time, I refused to tell my in laws but my husband just didnt get it. he kept saying she wont open her mouth etc ect. I tried to hold it off with husband until 16weeks. And she was not happy that we didn't tell her sooner. I've made it clear to my husband that if I hear any congratulations from anyone, she'll lose that privilege of being told anything ever agsin. I still haven't announced it, I'm waiting to get to 22weeks. But she's really pissed off about this. I cannot stand the woman at all. And she wants to name this baby. The day i gave birth to my daughter, she fought with me because she hated my daughter's name and as the first grandchild, she's entitled to name MY first child 😂😂 she came to the hospital the next day with a list of names for me to choose from. I made it clear to her that she can be included in this happy time or make her way home. She lost that battle and she's already trying to name my baby 🙄🙄 and my husband is not firm with her. I have to fight my battles myself. This time I've kept my distance from her and just to piss her off, I said I'll be calling the baby Anna if shes a girl. She's Pakistani so anything that's not cultural pisses her off. I'm so passive aggressive sometimes 😂😂