What's going on?


So lately I've been having cravings like pickles, peanut butter, certain salads, fruit, and others. When my mom was pregnant with me she said she craved pickles, and some other cravings as I am now it's just weird to me cause I'm normally not a pickle eater unless it's my (my dads mom) grandma's canned pickles and I normally can control it but lately I haven't been able to. My mom also told me that she would've been able to eat a jar of my (my dads mom) grandma's pickles if my grandma would've let her I do have irregular periods but according to Glow I'm like a little over 1.5 months late. I haven't seen or have had any syptoms of mother nature besides the cravings and normally when I get these cravings she shows up but it's been over a month now! I have had headaches at times, been dizzy a couple times, and my temp had went up a tad bit for a couple of days, I've also been having bad tummy aches/cramp feelings in my upper growing (depends on the day), nauseated, discharge that is like dried blood/light brownish colored I only had it one time that was in the late evening and had aches/cramp like feelings at the same time. Does anyone have any other ideas as to what it could be? TIA! :)